Friday, December 10, 2010

Ahhhh vacays are good for the soul.

Wally and I just returned from a much needed weekend of R&R. We enjoyed a short cruise to the Bahamas to celebrate our 14th anniversary and Wally's 40th birthday a little early. We had a wonderful time because the sun was hot, the breezes were tropical, the ocean was fairly calm, and let me tell you, the drinks were delish.

Back in the day, BW (Before Wally), I used to have very active vacations, however on this trip, we did as little as possible. I read a book, enjoyed napping on the sunny pool deck, and woke up just in time to make my massage appointment in the spa. I really did feel like a Queen.

However, I got a strong dose of reality on the last evening of our cruise. I have told a few people about this, but I am finding very few people believe me, so I wanted to add this clip I found on youtube.

Here's the story: Our giant cruise ship came across a tiny raft of refugees from Cuba right smack in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The 6 people on the raft had been a float at sea for 15 days trying to make it to the United States and escape Cuba. 2 of the 6 looked like they were close to death. The other 4 weren't far behind. Even after being at sea for 15 days, the refugee's initially refused to board our ship. Apparently, they had no chance of being granted asylum by the US if they boarded a ship in International waters. They had to step onto dry land to have a better shot at freedom. I think as Americans we tend to take our rights and freedoms for granted most of the time. Now I am no policy expert and I certainly don't have all the answers to our country's border problems. I also realize I could not fathom the suffering those 6 people must have endured to make the choice they did to leave their country on that tiny raft and venture out to sea. As I watched those people bob up and down on the waves in that little raft, I felt such a sense of relief, pride, and love for my country. I have known for years how fortunate I am to be a citizen of United States of America. I love all the freedoms and opportunities my country allows. I love our constitution. I love American history. I love the founding fathers, and I love the U.S.A because it is the greatest country in the world! I guess from time to time, it's always good to have a reminder that no matter what the world thinks of the United States, people are still willing to die to have the opportunity to live here. And to me, think that says it all!

Here is a short video of the refugee raft: (There is no sound. But the soundtrack that was playing in my head as I watched was Lee Greenwood's God Bless The U.S.A.)

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