Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dum, Dum, Da Dum...

I let Sam have his little friend Whitney over after school today and I laughed so hard at those two that my stomach hurt. They are both in kindergarten together and both have very strong personalities. After they devoured their lunch, they decided to go on an adventure and only talk to each other with walkie-talkies for the rest of their playtime. They spent two hours talking at the exact same time and standing within a foot of each other. They did stick to the plan and only talked to each other through the walkie-talkies. Of course Sam had to spice up the conversations by burping and I think he even tooted into the walkie-talkie several times. This got a great response from Whitney! When Whitney's mom showed up to retrieve her, Whitney asked, "Sam can I take one walkie-talkie home with me so we can talk at night before we go to sleep?" (Whitney lives in our neighborhood) Sam said, "Okay sure! But does this mean we are married now?" Whitney replies, "Well of course we are!" Sam says, "Okay, I guess I will marry you, but I am not kissing you."

Let me tell you, from what I heard this afternoon, all the orders, demands, talking at the exact same time, miscommunication, bodily sounds, laughter, etc. they sure sounded exactly like an old married couple!

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